Bones of the Skeleton

Here in Atlanta, it’s October, with Fall-like temperatures starting to sneak in, but still afternoons of warm weather. The leaves are slowly starting to fall, mornings are brisk; Fall is almost here.

When you think of Fall, most think of 2 things, Halloween and Thanksgiving. When you think of those two, Halloween can always be pictured with a skeleton. The bones, bare no skin, no muscle, no tissue, no veins just raw brittle bones. This year several of our neighbors have gotten very creative with positioning of multiple skeletons in their yards. Quite comical to me… the creativity they have displayed of these bones as if they were fully functioning humans.

I reflect on a biblical reference of skeleton bones coming to life in Ezekiel 37. When we think of skeletons I think of death, I challenge you to think of your current personal faith. Are you just bones lying around? Has the pandemic crippled you to forget we love and serve the greatest healier of all? By no means am I down-playing Covid19. I’ve had many friends and coworkers become impacted by the virus. Is our faith brittle like bones during this election season as the two majority parties continue to put the other party down? Have we lost our muscle and voices to love our neighbors? How do we separate ourselves from allowing all the negativity in the world to crumble us as if in the valley of dry bones?

I encourage us all to be the fresh breath of Fall air into those bones. Be understanding and learning of our neighbors and their past and futures. Let kindess secure those bones and joints together to form a skeleton we all want to be around. There will be people who like yellow leaves best in the Fall and there will be people who like red leaves best in the Fall… but did you know what both those people have in common? They both like Fall leaves! Help me to agree to disagree, but remain neighborly.

I know the only way skeletons could come back to life and have breath in them is through God. I believe that Jesus came to save all our skeletons for all of our many sins. I’m thankful knowing that, by my faith, when my body becomes a bunch of dry bones, I’ll be in heaven with new breath and new life in me.

So as you’re looking at the Halloween decorations and skeletons, may you remember to share the joy of life you have with all those you meet. Remember All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day where many visit gravesites where those bones might lay.

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