Customized kicks

Back when I was in middle and early high school, I loved adidas.  I played soccer and ran quite a bit, so their products dominated the market at that time.  adidas controled market share in soccer/futbol so they were easy to find and offered a varitey of styles and price points. It was my junior … More Customized kicks

Radar Detection

It’s been 3-4 years since I’ve pulled out my Radar Detector that I bought back in college (2002) when I would drive 150+ miles each way to college.  Today, I found it in the bottom of my console compartment, so I thought I would plug it in on my 11 mile commute to work.  Let’s … More Radar Detection


It’s that time of year when people either already have completed their taxes, starting their taxes, or thinking about doing taxes next month.  As we were gathering our items of income, I noticed that I had my selling items on eBay to donate a portion of the proceeds to a 501 c3 non-profit.  That non-profit … More eBay